Sunday, April 21, 2013

Post #11

Well with classes officially over I had been waiting for Friday to come. Friday was important because I would find out if I would be hired by the church. It came and I was not hired and am now looking for another work oppurtunity.

Last week I posted and talked about how I need to accept what was going to be given to me, and submit to the will of the Lord. Well now I am in his hands and I know that I will be taken care of. My thoughts are on all of the blessings that I received while teaching, both temporal and spiritual. I am really grateful that I could teach and learn what I needed to learn. It was a life changing time and it helped change me into a better person.

Today while traveling back from Idaho. Meghan and I got two different phone calls. One was from the Bishopric in our ward calling Meghan and I to teach the 17 year olds in the ward. The next was from the temple president asking telling us that we had been recommended to serve in the temple. What a great blessing I have to continue to serve the youth as well as those that have passed on. Who knows what oppurtunites await my beautiful wife and I as we travel down the unknown path. Like Nephi of old I echo his words when he said, " For I do not know the meaning of all things, but I know that God loves all of his children." I know that and I am ready and always willing!
and we are going to DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013


WHOOT WHOOT  I am done! Well not really. I am finished with my THESIS and now I am going to start to prepare for my finals. This is probably one of the craziest semesters of my entire life. I have done so much and been blessed so much. I have crossed some things of my bucket list, and really excited for the things of the future. I am now waiting to hear back, from some job opportunities and it really is one of the most stressful things I have ever gone through. I have been teaching seminary for the LDS church. It has come with some hardship and stress however it has been a real blessing.

Well with the end approaching for my school and the start of a lovely life with my wife. I have been studying the topic of submission. It is an interesting thing that the Lord has in place so that I can become the person that he wants me to be. I have thought many times, '' am I doing the right thing?" I have come to know that the Lord trusts me more than I trust myself and is willing to really just allow me to do things in the way that I want. However sometimes in the most stressful and important choices of life it is about bowing down to a higher power and doing what he would want you to do. Elder Maxwell gave a great talk on submission titles Willingness to submit. It was a beautiful thing to read and helped me realize some very personal things.

What I must do now is well first finish the semester, and then submit to what the Lord has in store for me. I am extremely excited for the future and I love it!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Life #9

          So with all the projects and things winding down I can feel myself getting TIRED. I am working really hard on my senior thesis which is going to be about 30 pages long. I am working on it and coming up with some real dead ends. It is about the intellectual struggle that students feel in the classroom that may impair their learning, or enhance it.

So what I am doing now it finishing up all the results from the survey that I sent out. It is located here: It is a pretty basic survey that has ten questions. So far we have had 55 responses and I am looking forward to finishing it so that I can be done. I have worked on this for the entire semester and have spent hours researching a topic that barely exists.

Now all I can do is buckle down and finish. In fact I have finished that abstract which is located below.
I am really excited to finish and get this beast published!

Intellectual Struggle: Eastern and Western Culture, and Teaching in the Classroom.

Mitchell Palmer
Brigham Young University

The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of intellectual struggle in the classroom among Korean university professors.  The intent is to 1. Gain a clearer understanding of Korean teaching methods in relation to promoting intellectual struggle in their classrooms. 2. Gain a clearer understanding of the potential benefits and drawbacks of this type of teaching method for purpose of this study is to examine the concept of intellectual struggle among students in the classrooms among Korean university professors. 3. Gain an understanding of how the promotion of intellectual struggle by a Korean professor affects American college students. 4. Promote cultural understanding in an effort to improve student and teacher experiences in a multi-cultural classroom.            To better find an actual rate or percentage of students that are struggling in the area of “Intellectual struggle” a 10 question survey was sent out to American and Korean university students who have had both Korean, and American teachers in their classes ranging from the first and second year students to the students learning Korean at a fourth year level, as well as previously mentioned, native speakers.. The survey was conducted via, and was sent via email to students. The survey consisted of question that has been reproduced with formatting edits in Appendix A and B. We asked 10 questions, with 6 of the questions utilizing the polar questions format, and the other questions asked each surveyor to write or describe their answer. Based on the results gathered from the data, This study calls for improvement in teacher/student relations, as well as further analysis.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

My Life #8

HOLA! it is true I am starting to learn Spanish... not really but I would like to some day.

School was pretty good this week I finished a bunch of the things that I needed to do. The only thing that I have left is some biology and a MASSIVE group project for my MCOM class. MCOM has been an interesting class. I have learned a lot of practical things but I am glad that I have the book and will keep it. The class has so much information but I am officially a great typist, and writer now. My class with be presenting on Walmart. I love Walmart. Meghan and I go there often to get little things we need or buy some food. We just went down there and bought some things for our shower. I didn't know that you could get pretty much anything at Walmart.
However in our group project we are basically trying to sell ourselves to the Walmart board of directors as a consulting group and are going to fix a few issues that Walmart is having. 1. customer service 2. poor management and 3. These things we found are causing a lot of stir online and we are working to find a solution

SO WHAT? I have learned some things about running a company while I have been doing research and noticed that large corporations really struggle with these type of things.

NOW WHAT? I don't know if I every want to run a company but I know how to make one work, and get better. First all of the people that work for you must be qualified to handle the most simple of tasks. Second, those that are in charge, must be willing to operate at a high level, and be willing to help anyone with any problem that they have. When they do that it shows why they are in charge. Third this is very simple, get a website that is user friendly and keep it that way.

Man I do love Walmart

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Life Post #7

Well LIFE IS SO GOOD! I love it my wife is beautiful and I could not be happier with the things that are going on. As I have mention I did not want to come back to school, HOWEVER I did. My teachers have been so helpful with everything so that I could get back in and back on track to accomplishing my ending goal, which is GRADUATION!! I got a final notice yesterday via email letting me know that I would be graduating. I am really happy about that and cannot wait until it is over. However I will continue to pursue a greater education in grad school or something else I do not know.

In preparation for school this week I have A LOT of projects due, not to mention I have tests next week. What do I do. In preparation for this upcoming week I cannot but help to feel a little stressed out with the things that are going on. I have so much to DO!!!! It is interesting to note, that I only feel this way when I am by myself or at school. My lovely wife Meghan helps me all the other hours of the day and when I am with her, well I only think about her. Man I love it! See I am already getting distracted and not able to write. Stress...

SO WHAT?  I recently learned in biology that your body actually needs stress to function at a high capacity. Although it is not good for your body, it naturally gets rid of it while you sleep ( that is why sleep for 8 hours is so important.) Stress has kept me motivated to get all of the things done that I must do. I must not tell myself what I can and can't do... but just trust in myself that I will be able to get it done.

NOW WHAT? Well when I was in my own personal scripture study this last week, I came across something that I thought was interesting. Paul is preaching to the saints, and he is not telling them what they can and cannot do. He TELLS them exactly what to do, and how to be successful. Paul UNDERSTOOD that he could not waste his life telling the Lord that he could only do so much, but he told the Lord that he could accomplish anything that he told him to do because he believed and had FAITH. I then went on to think about faith, and came across a quote by the Prophet Joseph Smith concerning faith. " Faith is your willingness to ACT and DO the things that Christ wants for you." Faith is an action and I must DO. No matter what the STRESS of my life may be, God created my body to function in away that I can succeed, and he has given the best "ENERGY" source for me to latch on to, so that I can accomplish everything!

Below is a link to a blog that has given me strength and shown me how I can do better than I am doing.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

My Life #6

Well I am married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call me Mr. Palmer and my wife Mrs. Palmer!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so freaking awesome!!!! Well at least I feel like that and that is totally because of my wonderful wife Meghan! I am thinking about my life and thinking how blessed I am. So far it has been the best week of my life.... I just think how can marriage get even better? Now I know that there are many things to come and the blessings will be SWEET. Also I am coming up on finding out whether or not I will be hired as a full-time teacher for seminary! This has been a great and wonderful experience for me, and I am really grateful for it whether I get hired or not. The blessings have been wonderful and have helped change me into becoming a better man.

SO WHAT???? So what? That is an interesting question I think. I am just so energized, and so happy with the life that I am living. My wife is making me so much better and I am just so grateful for her and everything that she does for me. What does this mean for me? It means that I will only become a better person and will continue down the path. All I can do is wait for my time to come and know that it is what is right and that God is in control.

NOW WHAT? Patience is a virtue. That is what they say anyway. This is a lesson that I have been having to learn my entire life. From the time I was young learning how to ride a bike, to high school competing for a position in football, learning Korean, and learning that dating my wife for over a year was worth it. I am eager for the changes that are coming in my life. If I am to learn and change from the lessons now, it will bless me for the future. I am the creator, not the creature.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

My LIFE #5

Sweet goodness. What a crazy bunch of couple weeks. I really am interested in how my life is going to end up. Just got word that it is now finally official that I will be graduating from BYU. However I think to myself, " How is it all going to work out?" I seems to notice that I think that a lot. Where will I go? What will I do? What do I even really want to do? It seems to weigh down on me now more than ever. I think it is because I am getting MARRIED in a week. I want to be able to provide so that Meghan will always be comfortable and not have to worry about what we do and money and all that jazz. I have to really just believe the words that are found in the 84 sections of the Doctrine and Covenants.

I am just about to finish my next round of exams. Biology is out of the way and I did average, and will the curve will get a solid C. I really like Biology and understand the concepts very well, however put it into a multiple choice test..... BAM I don't know what to do.

I have come to the conclusion that I do not need to judge myself based on the final score of the test. I need to better just judge the outcomes of my class and see if I really understand that concepts. That way I am more able to teach and learn for myself.

With school coming to an end and thinking about my future I have began to look at masters programs all over the US. It has been kind of a cool thing to look and explore the options that I have for the future. As far as school is concerned, all I need to do is have a little faith and a little prayer in my heart and know that I can only do so much and God will have to make up the rest. In doing that however I will be able to under stand and accomplish the rest of the tasks I have!